Monday, November 26, 2007

In My Dreams....

When the alarm clock went off this morning, I instantly remembered I'd been dreaming. I dreamed that George and I were participating in a version of the TV show "The Amazing Race," held mostly in the North Carolina mountains, but at one point I had to check in on the Duke campus for some clues to continue. I knew George was part of this grand scavenger hunt, but we weren't working together in my dream, so I asked a person or two if they'd seen him and knew of his progress. I was both curious and a little competitive! ;-) I don't remember if we were on the same team but in a "divide and conquer" mode, or if we were competing against each other.

I've enjoyed watching "The Amazing Race" in seasons past, but haven't watched it at all this fall. Time in front of the television has been limited the past few months. I think this is a great trend, overall!

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