Thursday, October 11, 2018

Who's Still Blogging?

I've been thinking about blogs and blogging lately, as I jumpstart this blog and hope that it draws
some readers and a community of sorts. When I first started blogging, it seemed like a hip thing to do, and I was riding the wave. I blogged often (between several blogs) and enjoyed following and commenting on others' posts.

Nowadays, I wonder if blogging is a thing of the past, not so hip anymore. Some of my favorite blogs have been officially retired, and some blogs just seem to be dead, their writers busy with other phases of their lives. I know that's happened to me. Some of my blogs (like the one about going to graduate school) are done, because I don't do that topic anymore (like graduate school or running).

So, I'm looking for new blogs and bloggers to follow. Any ideas? What are your favorites?

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