Sunday, February 24, 2008

Lone Star

This evening I treated my mom to a birthday dinner, along with my dad and George, at the new Lone Star Steak House in Durham. I think it was a restaurant my dad want to go to mostly. ;-) I was a little concerned about what I could have for supper at a steak house, when health issues have steered me to a vegetarian diet in the past year and a half, but I don't want to be one of those vegetarians who's hard to cook for and/or go out to eat with. So I agreed and decided to make the best of it. I checked out the menu online ahead of time, and that helped. Also, we got to the restaurant before my parents, so I was able to ask the server about the salmon dish and the salads to find out how I could make the best pick for me. I ended up with a decent salad without bacon or croutons (but with tomatoes, mushrooms, and some cheese), oil and vinegar, and a plain baked sweet potato with cinnamon--my favorite part of the meal!

When they seated George and me at the table, they left us with a couple of metal buckets, one with peanuts in their shells, and the other one empty, for the empty peanut shells. I did have a few peanuts, but was able to stop with room to spare. The server brought bread with the meal, but I barely noticed it, a non-issue tonight. I was too excited about the baked sweet potato!

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