On Tuesday's daytrip to Merhcants Millpond State Park, I noticed a big sign (hard to miss) about ticks, which included not only a picture, but tips for avoiding them. I made me think about what I would do if I found a tick on me while I was still on the road. I didn't have any tweezers, not to mention a full-fledged first aid kit, with me in the car! I started thinking about what I should have on hand in the car for future trips, whether daytrips for the NC Odyssey Project or longer trips/vacations. Here's a list I've started:
First-aid kit
Bug Spray
Change of clothes
Flashlight and extra batteries
Current American Automoble Association (AAA) card
Medium-sized cooler and ice packs
Spare key(s)
Spare cash ($20?) tucked away in car
Jumper Cables
Notebook and pen
Car charger for cell phone
Spare trash bag(s)
GPS for car (don't have one built in--any recommendations?)
Okay, so this is what I've come up with so far. Can you think of anything to add to the list? What items have come in handy for you while on the road? Is there anything you've wished you had while on the road?
What about paper towels and wipes? Could come in handy for cleaning up messes, like after changing a tire. Also a flare and safety vest (for night visibility).
Ahh, good ideas!
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