Wednesday, September 30, 2009

First Marathon!

I've got my first marathon coming up on Saturday, the Triple Lakes Trail Race in Greensboro! It will be a training run for me, and I'm feeling a combination of excitement and nervousness over the experience! Most of the time I feel like I'm going to nail the distance, but sometimes I think, "What if....?"

I'm trying not to get bogged down in the doubts, so I'm busy getting grocery shopping and errands done (after work) before Saturday, so I can take it easy for the rest of the weekend. I'll be getting to sleep early the next few nights, to boot. (I haven't done a good job of that so far this week! Yikes!)

I haven't written much about my marathon training here, since I have a running blog at Going the Extra Mile. My race report will show up there, probably some time next week.

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

HI Lesley,
I just wanted to send a note of encouragement. I stumbled across your blog searching for "first marathon":)
I JUST completed my first this past saturday and I am changed forever! I was training for one last year and go injured... so this marathon thing was a long time coming for me.. and I wasnt sure if I could make it. .. Its hard to explain how different it has made me... . .. but you will get the idea next week :)

Love for you to check out my blog.. I have a video from my marathon...I just wanted to say YOU CAN DO IT! Sounds like you are ready :) Enjoy the experience. ... making it to the starting line is the hardest part.