Thursday, August 23, 2018

Cleaning Out Closets

Last week, my sister and I met at our parents' house for the better part of a week to work on cleaning out closets, cabinets, drawers, and what not. Our mom is still living, but we decided to start the challenging task of weeding. There's so much stuff, and we processed a lot of emotions while doing this. We left determined to start the decluttering process on our own homes, while we're still able. I'm trying to back some progress most every day, even if it's going through a stack of junk mail and tossing or shredding everything I can.

My Dad in College
One of my favorite discoveries last week was this photo of Dad from his college days. He played football in college, and I guess that was his varsity letter. We think the photo was taken in front of his home. I was delighted to find this picture, but it made me miss him even more. He'd probably forgotten this picture, which we found in the "Christmas closet." Who knew?!

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